Bougie Green

Bougie Green


Immerse yourself in the allure of Green with our luxurious 33oz candle. The rich and mysterious fragrance envelops your surroundings, emanating from the vessel's stunning metallic green finish. With a mesmerizing blend of Valencia orange, cyclamen, vanilla, and musk, this candle creates an aura of opulence and indulgence. The refreshing and sweet aroma of sun-kissed Valencia orange harmonizes with delicate white cyclamen petals, while the comforting essence of vanilla adds a touch of richness. As the fragrance lingers, the enigmatic character of musk unfolds, captivating your senses in a symphony of pure luxury.

Fragrance Notes:

Top Note - Coconut, Bergamot, Valencia Orange
Mid Note - Amber, Cyclamen, Jasmine
Base Note - Sandalwood, Musk, Vanilla

Burn Time: 4 Hours

Set Includes:

  • Green 33oz Vessel
  • 40oz Green Sand Wax
  • Wicks 30 pieces